Harness the power
of Innovation

Foster a culture of employee engagement, collaboration and creativity that drives innovation and growth for your organisation.

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Smart Innovation

Customisable behaviour

Set Nectir to drive the types of behaviours and performance you want to see from your team.

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Strategy alignment

You input your strategy focus areas, Nectir measures how your teams are contributing to it.

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Integrated gamification

Innovation scores are created from an integrated, automated engine that measures performance and behaviours.

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Organic Innovation

Goodbye bottlenecks in the innovation department. Hello innovation, driven by the business.

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5 Reasons Why Companies Should Invest in Innovation and Idea Management Sytem

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, innovation is the lifeblood of success. Companies that foster a culture of creativity and effectively manage ideas are better positioned to adapt, grow, and outperform their competitors.

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Take 5 with Nick Stamatiou, CEO & Co-Founder, Whole

Nick Stamatiou is an Australian entrepreneur and the visionary founder of Whole., a revolutionary Food-Tech company based in Perth, Western Australia. With a background in engineering and standing as one of the top intellectual property strategists in the world, Nick combines technological innovation with commercial nous and sustainable practices to reshape the food industry.

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Take 5 with Chris Kirk, CEO, Stone & Chalk

Chris is passionate about helping start-ups tackle the world’s most pressing challenges. As part of Stone & Chalk’s founding team, Chris has helped lead the growth of their community, products, and services since 2015.

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